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The Number One Supplement to Help You Relax

We all have times we feel on edge. Overwhelmed, burned out and run down. Those feelings can manifest in some individuals as depression and others as anxiety. You may notice you’re having trouble concentrating, even impacting your sleep. Do you eat right, workout and meditate, but you’re still not feeling like yourself? We may have the answer. Inositol. Never heard of it? I’m not surprised. Inositol is a sugar alcohol but contrary to the name it is neither a sugar nor an alcohol! More confused? Let’s start at the beginning. Inositol is found in many foods - mainly fruits like cantaloupe and oranges[2]. It is found in bran, nuts and seeds in its phaylate form which is unfortunately indigestible by humans...

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5 Morning Rituals to Rock Your Day

I don’t know about you but when the alarm goes off at 5am I am only functioning at about 25%. I’m lucky some days that I my hair is clean and my scrubs are on right side out! Let alone planning to be gone from the house for 14 hours with an infant and prepared for anything! Below you’ll find my organizational tools - easy tips to incorporate into your day to maybe save you a few minutes, maybe lower stress; ideally help you to live a Salutogenic Life! Ritual One: I start every day with a protein shake - whether I’m heading to work, the gym or to run errands with the husband.  It’s fast, easy, and really good...

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