Most of us know that incorporating nuts into our diet is important. If you are like me you don’t necessarily know which nut is going to help with what, so you just eat a mixture and hope for the best. After a lot of reading I’ve found that most researchers are putting walnuts on top!
Did you know that tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world, after water! Not only are there so many different types to choose from, tea can have some amazing health benefits!
“Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys the kind if misery you may prefer”, is a quote often attributed to comedian Groucho Marx. I would like to say that Groucho is wrong, BUT in my 25 years writing the consumer financial column, $uper $aver and another 23 as a mortgage banker the sad truth is that if you are experiencing money problems and are not “financially healthy” it negatively affects your “health” in other areas. Read on for my top 10 ways to help improve your financial health.
“A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.” I was reminded of balance today from the owner of The Dailey Method in Lake Forest where I work out. She was discussing the importance of finding the time for yourself, regardless of the obstacles and joys in your life. Balance has a different meaning for everyone, but I want to focus on the importance of health in your life and how that plays a huge role in feeling centered. We’ve all been in a place where we ate whatever was convenient, didn’t have the time to work out and went to bed still answering emails. More than likely this caused a need for more coffee...
Although many people feel that Apple Cider Vinegar is something new on the health scene, it’s actually been around since 400 B.C. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, treated his patients with it! Apple Cider Vinegar has been traced back to Egyptian urns and even Julius Caesar’s army used it to fight off disease.